Tuesday, August 4, 2020

From The Epoch Times, "Gen LaGreca’s ‘Just the Truth’: A Mirror for Our Time"

The Epoch Times just published a glowing review of Just the Truth, tying it to major cultural and political issues of our times! My thanks to Jeff Minick for this insightful review and for his revealing look into the troubling cultural and political trends of the past century. This article is eminently worth reading, not only for its analysis of my novel, but also for Mr. Minick's penetrating historical perspective on how socialist/communist/fascist movements of the past century have destroyed free expression and caused an upheaval around the world.

Here is an excerpt:
Given the pandemic and the socialist mobs that today dominate our news, we must wonder what crystal ball LaGreca consulted while writing her novel. The plot and themes of “Just the Truth” could not be more pertinent to that news and our current unrest. Here we see the corruption of our politics, the machinations of the “deep state,” the growing threat of federal agencies to private enterprise, and the constant calls to change our way of voting. Here too we see the means by which mobs “spontaneously” appear out of nowhere to attack free speech and American liberty, and the misinformation and sometimes downright deception provided to us via “fake news.” 

Read the rest at The Epoch Times.

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